La torta negra permite una gran variedad de frutas y frutos secos, así que
puedes agregar tus favoritos.
Debemos tener en en cuenta que mientras más tiempo estén en maceración los
frutos más rica la torta.
Con los licores también se puede ser flexible. Pero lo que no debemos hacer es
colocar aguardiente ni destilados blancos.
Para nuestra torta utilizaremos muy poco del líquido de la maceración y el
alcohol se evapora al ser horneada la torta. No te preocupes!!
El frasco se puede guardar en la bodega de los vinos que tiene una temperatura
bastante estable entre 12 y 14 grados. También sirve el fondo de un armario o
un rincón sin grandes cambios de temperatura donde no dé mucho la luz. Si no
tienes un lugar fresco, mételo a la nevera al fondo para que la dejen reposar
con tranquilidad.
Revisa cada cierto tiempo el frasco, recuerda que los frutos secos contienen un
nivel muy bajo de agua, por lo que absorberán rápidamente los licores y vino.
Si el nivel baja y deja al descubierto frutos, agrega más vino hasta cubrir de
Tips to macerate the black Christmas cake
1. The black cake allows a great variety of fruits and nuts, so you can add your favorites.
2. We must take into account that the longer the maceration the fruits the richer the cake.
3. With the spirits you can also be flexible. But what we should not do is to put brandy or white spirits.
4. For our cake we will use very little of the liquid of the maceration and the alcohol evaporates to the being baked the cake. Do not worry!!
5. The bottle can be stored in the wine cellar which has a fairly stable temperature between 12 and 14 degrees. It also serves the bottom of a closet or a corner without major changes of temperature where it does not give much light. If you do not have a cool place, put it to the refrigerator in the background to let it rest with peace of mind.
6. Check the bottle periodically, remember that the nuts contain a very low level of water, so they will quickly absorb the liquors and wine. If the level drops and exposes fruits, add more wine to cover again.
Tips to macerate the black Christmas cake
1. The black cake allows a great variety of fruits and nuts, so you can add your favorites.
2. We must take into account that the longer the maceration the fruits the richer the cake.
3. With the spirits you can also be flexible. But what we should not do is to put brandy or white spirits.
4. For our cake we will use very little of the liquid of the maceration and the alcohol evaporates to the being baked the cake. Do not worry!!
5. The bottle can be stored in the wine cellar which has a fairly stable temperature between 12 and 14 degrees. It also serves the bottom of a closet or a corner without major changes of temperature where it does not give much light. If you do not have a cool place, put it to the refrigerator in the background to let it rest with peace of mind.
6. Check the bottle periodically, remember that the nuts contain a very low level of water, so they will quickly absorb the liquors and wine. If the level drops and exposes fruits, add more wine to cover again.
Hola amiga q licor aparté de vino puedo usar para la maceración de los frutos secos?
ResponderEliminarHola amiga aparte de vino tinto lleva ron añejo y vino dulce moscatel.