Masa de won ton
200 g harina
100 ml agua tibia
En un bol juntar todos los ingredientes menos la maicena. Mezclar primero con una espátula, y cuando estén todos los ingredientes integrados seguir con las manos, trabajando la masa unos 5-10 minutos. Dejarla reposar unos 20 minutos tapada con un paño húmedo.
Pasado este tiempo, espolvorear la superficie de trabajo con maicena, y estirar la masa con un rodillo para que quede muy fina, casi transparente. Si la masa se pega, añadir mas maicena.
Una vez tenga el grosor deseado, cortar de la forma que se prefiera (cuadrada o redonda) con la ayuda de un corta pastas. La masa ya está lista para rellenar y cocer.
Relleno de camarones (para los won ton al vapor)
10-12 camarones
1 cebolla mediana
1 ajo
2 zanahorias
1 puerro
1 calabacín
Salsa de soja (al gusto)
Pasado este tiempo, espolvorear la superficie de trabajo con maicena, y estirar la masa con un rodillo para que quede muy fina, casi transparente. Si la masa se pega, añadir mas maicena.
Una vez tenga el grosor deseado, cortar de la forma que se prefiera (cuadrada o redonda) con la ayuda de un corta pastas. La masa ya está lista para rellenar y cocer.
10-12 camarones
1 cebolla mediana
1 ajo
2 zanahorias
1 puerro
1 calabacín
Salsa de soja (al gusto)
Pelar los camarones y cortarlos en trozos muy pequeños. Saltear breve mente y reservar en un plato.
En la misma sartén, sofreír las verduras por orden de aparición en la receta, todas bien picadas. Una vez estén bien hechas añadir los camarones y dejar cocer unos minutos mas.
Agregar a la preparación la salsa de soja y subir el fuego durante un minuto para que reduzca un poco. Probar y rectificar el nivel de sal con mas salsa de soja si fuera necesario.
Dejar enfriar para rellenar las láminas de won ton.
250 g carne de cerdo picada (mitad de cerdo, mitad de ternera)
2 cebollas medianas
1 ajo
1/2 pimiento rojo
1 cucharada de miel
1 cucharadita de café de pimentón dulce
1 cucharada de concentrado de tomate
1/2 cucharada de concentrado de carne
Salsa de soja (al gusto)
Saltear breviamente la carne en una sartén y reservar en un plato.
250 g carne de cerdo picada (mitad de cerdo, mitad de ternera)
2 cebollas medianas
1 ajo
1/2 pimiento rojo
1 cucharada de miel
1 cucharadita de café de pimentón dulce
1 cucharada de concentrado de tomate
1/2 cucharada de concentrado de carne
Salsa de soja (al gusto)
Saltear breviamente la carne en una sartén y reservar en un plato.
En la misma sartén sofreír por este orden la cebolla, el ajo y el pimiento, todo bien picadito. Añadir la cucharada de miel y caramelizar levemente.
Espolvorear con el pimentón y cocinar unos minutos, con cuidado para que no se queme. Agregar los dos concentrados, remover bien para que se integren en el sofrito y cocinar unos minutos mas.
Finalizar con la carne reservada y la salsa de soja, subiendo el fuego para que reduzca. Rectificar de sal si hace falta añadiendo mas salsa de soja.
Dejar enfriar para rellenar las láminas de won ton.
Extender las láminas de pasta won ton en la superficie de trabajo y colocar en el centro de cada una de ellas el relleno. Para cerrar, humedecer ligeramente con un poco de agua, y dar la forma que se desee.
En este caso, los won ton de camarones los hemos pintado con un poco de aceite de girasol y los hemos dorados en un sarten solo por un lado, luego colocamos un poco de agua y tapamos para dejarlos cocer al vapor.
A los de carne les hemos dado forma de saquito y los hemos frito con suficiente aceite.
Pueden servirse acompañados de distintas salsas, como la agridulce picante, la de soja con aceite de sésamo, etc.
Mass of won ton
200 g flour
100 ml warm water
In a bowl together all ingredients except cornstarch. Mix first with a spatula, and when all the ingredients stick with integrated hands are working the dough about 5-10 minutes. Let stand about 20 minutes covered with a damp cloth.
After this time, dust the work surface with cornstarch and stretching the dough with a rolling pin to make it very thin, almost transparent. If the dough is sticky, add more cornstarch.
Once you have the desired thickness, cut in the shape (square or round) is preferred with the help of a short pasta. The dough is ready to fill and bake.
Stuffed shrimp (for won ton steam)
10-12 shrimp
1 medium onion
1 clove garlic
2 carrots
1 leek
1 courgette
Soy sauce (to taste)
Peel the shrimp and cut into very small pieces. Saute briefly mind and reserve on a plate.
In the same pan, saute the vegetables in order of appearance in the recipe, all chopped fine. Once they are well done add the shrimp and cook a few minutes more.
Add to preparation soy sauce and turn up the heat for a minute to reduce slightly. Try and rectify the salt level with more soy sauce if necessary.
Allow to cool to fill won ton sheets.
Stuffed pork and beef (for fried won ton)
250 g of minced pork (pork half, mid-calf)
2 medium onions
1 clove garlic
1/2 red pepper
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon paprika coffee
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 tablespoon concentrate meat
Soy sauce (to taste)
breviamente saute the meat in a pan and set aside on a plate.
In the same pan fry in this order the onion, garlic and pepper, all finely chopped. Add the tablespoon of honey and caramelize slightly.
Sprinkle with paprika and cook a few minutes, careful not to burn. Add the two concentrates, stir well to integrate into the sauce and cook a few minutes more.
Finish with the reserved meat and soy sauce, raising the heat to reduce. Add salt if necessary add more soy sauce.
Allow to cool to fill won ton sheets.
Spread the sheets of pasta won ton on the work surface and place in the center of each filling. To close, moisten lightly with a little water, and give the desired shape.
In this case, the won ton shrimp have painted with a little sunflower oil and gold in a pan have only one hand, then put a little water and cover to let them steaming.
For the meat we have given form of bag and have fried with oil.
They can serve accompanied by various sauces, such as spicy bittersweet, the soybean oil, sesame oil, etc.
Mass of won ton
200 g flour
100 ml warm water
In a bowl together all ingredients except cornstarch. Mix first with a spatula, and when all the ingredients stick with integrated hands are working the dough about 5-10 minutes. Let stand about 20 minutes covered with a damp cloth.
After this time, dust the work surface with cornstarch and stretching the dough with a rolling pin to make it very thin, almost transparent. If the dough is sticky, add more cornstarch.
Once you have the desired thickness, cut in the shape (square or round) is preferred with the help of a short pasta. The dough is ready to fill and bake.
Stuffed shrimp (for won ton steam)
10-12 shrimp
1 medium onion
1 clove garlic
2 carrots
1 leek
1 courgette
Soy sauce (to taste)
Peel the shrimp and cut into very small pieces. Saute briefly mind and reserve on a plate.
In the same pan, saute the vegetables in order of appearance in the recipe, all chopped fine. Once they are well done add the shrimp and cook a few minutes more.
Add to preparation soy sauce and turn up the heat for a minute to reduce slightly. Try and rectify the salt level with more soy sauce if necessary.
Allow to cool to fill won ton sheets.
Stuffed pork and beef (for fried won ton)
250 g of minced pork (pork half, mid-calf)
2 medium onions
1 clove garlic
1/2 red pepper
1 tablespoon honey
1 teaspoon paprika coffee
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1/2 tablespoon concentrate meat
Soy sauce (to taste)
breviamente saute the meat in a pan and set aside on a plate.
In the same pan fry in this order the onion, garlic and pepper, all finely chopped. Add the tablespoon of honey and caramelize slightly.
Sprinkle with paprika and cook a few minutes, careful not to burn. Add the two concentrates, stir well to integrate into the sauce and cook a few minutes more.
Finish with the reserved meat and soy sauce, raising the heat to reduce. Add salt if necessary add more soy sauce.
Allow to cool to fill won ton sheets.
Spread the sheets of pasta won ton on the work surface and place in the center of each filling. To close, moisten lightly with a little water, and give the desired shape.
In this case, the won ton shrimp have painted with a little sunflower oil and gold in a pan have only one hand, then put a little water and cover to let them steaming.
For the meat we have given form of bag and have fried with oil.
They can serve accompanied by various sauces, such as spicy bittersweet, the soybean oil, sesame oil, etc.
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