600 g. harina de trigo todo uso
500 g. azúcar
400 g. mantequilla
6 huevos enteros
3 cdas de cacao en polvo
1 ½ taza de leche liquida
2 cdtas polvo de hornear
½ cdta de vainilla
Tamizar la harina con los otros ingredientes secos, y reservar. Separar las claras de las yemas y reservar. En un bol, batir la mantequilla junto con el azúcar, hasta conseguir una mezcla cremosa y de color claro, luego agregar las yemas uno a uno sin dejar de batir.
Con una paleta de madera incorporar los ingredientes secos alternando con la taza de leche empezando con harina y terminando con harina. Levantar las claras a punto de nieve e incorporar a la mezcla con cuidado para que no pierda el aire.
Dividir la mezcla en dos y a una de ella agregarle el cacao y la media taza de leche y mezclar hasta conseguir una crema uniforme.
Colocar la mezcla en un molde previamente engrasado y enharinado de la siguiente manera, con la ayuda de dos cucharas grandes colocamos una porción de mezcla sin chocolate y encima de ella otra porción igual de chocolate y así sucesivamente hasta terminar, se van a ir formando círculos que se van esparciendo poco a poco, llevar al horno precalentado a 350 ° F/180 ° C durante 50 a 60 minutos (Hacer la prueba del palillo para confirmar que salga seco).
Marble Cake
600 g. All purpose wheat flour
500 g. sugar
400 g. Butter
6 whole eggs
3 tbsp cocoa powder
1 ½ cup liquid milk
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp vanilla
Sift the flour with the other dry ingredients, and set aside. Separate the whites from the yolks and set aside. In a bowl, beat the butter along with the sugar, until a creamy mixture and light color, then add the yolks one by one while still beating.
With a wooden palette incorporate the dry ingredients alternating with the cup of milk starting with flour and ending with flour. Lift the whites to the point of snow and incorporate the mixture carefully so you do not lose air.
Divide the mixture into two and to one of it add the cocoa and the half cup of milk and mix until obtaining a uniform cream.
Place the mixture in a previously greased and floured mold in the following way, with the help of two large spoons place a portion of mixture without chocolate and on top of it another equal portion of chocolate and so on until finished, they will be forming circles Which are slowly spreading, bring the preheated oven to 350 ° F / 180 ° C for 50 to 60 minutes (Test the stick to confirm dry salting).
Imagen referencial.
Sift the flour with the other dry ingredients, and set aside. Separate the whites from the yolks and set aside. In a bowl, beat the butter along with the sugar, until a creamy mixture and light color, then add the yolks one by one while still beating.
With a wooden palette incorporate the dry ingredients alternating with the cup of milk starting with flour and ending with flour. Lift the whites to the point of snow and incorporate the mixture carefully so you do not lose air.
Divide the mixture into two and to one of it add the cocoa and the half cup of milk and mix until obtaining a uniform cream.
Place the mixture in a previously greased and floured mold in the following way, with the help of two large spoons place a portion of mixture without chocolate and on top of it another equal portion of chocolate and so on until finished, they will be forming circles Which are slowly spreading, bring the preheated oven to 350 ° F / 180 ° C for 50 to 60 minutes (Test the stick to confirm dry salting).
Imagen referencial.
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