3 Tomates enteros
15 hojas de albahaca fresca
300 g. Queso mozzarella
1 pzca. Sal
1 pzca. Pimienta
4 cdita. Aceite de oliva
Lavamos los tomates, los picamos en ruedas y los vamos colocando en un plato o bandeja. El queso lo cortamos en rodajas también y lo vamos agregando a cada rueda de tomate y por encima le añadimos una hoja de albahaca. Procedemos agregar el aceite de oliva, la sal y la pimienta y ya esta lista para servir.
Caprese salad
3 Whole Tomatoes
15 leaves of fresh basil
300 g. Mozzarella cheese
1 pce. Salt
1 pce. Pepper
4 tsp. Olive oil
We wash the tomatoes, we chop them in wheels and we put them in a plate or tray. The cheese we cut it in slices also and we are adding it to each wheel of tomato and above we add a leaf of basil. We proceed to add the olive oil, the salt and the pepper and it is ready to serve.
Caprese salad
3 Whole Tomatoes
15 leaves of fresh basil
300 g. Mozzarella cheese
1 pce. Salt
1 pce. Pepper
4 tsp. Olive oil
We wash the tomatoes, we chop them in wheels and we put them in a plate or tray. The cheese we cut it in slices also and we are adding it to each wheel of tomato and above we add a leaf of basil. We proceed to add the olive oil, the salt and the pepper and it is ready to serve.
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