La mandoca es un plato típico del estado Zulia, Venezuela. Es un anillo frito de mezcla de harina de maíz, papelón, plátano maduro y queso de año rallado. Se come frecuentemente caliente, con queso rallado, mantequilla o margarina.
Mandoca is a typical dish from the state of Zulia, Venezuela. It is a fried ring of corn flour mixture, cardboard, ripe banana and grated year cheese. It is often eaten hot, with grated cheese, butter or margarine.
1 kilo de harina de maíz amarillo
2/3 de panela de papelón o azúcar morena
1 kilo de queso blanco (duro o semiduro) rallado
1 plátano pintón
7 tazas de agua
Aceite para freír
Vamos a disolver el papelón en 6 tazas de agua y dejamos enfriar. Cocinamos el plátano en agua hasta quedar blando y hacemos puré con el.

Luego, a la masa le agregamos el plátano machacado y la mitad del queso y seguimos amasando hasta que se hayan unido bien todos los ingredientes.
Para hacer las mandocas, hacemos bolitas de masa (más grandes que un limón pero más pequeñas que una naranja) y luego les damos forma de rollitos, bastoncitos, etc.
Estos rollitos se unen por los extremos y ya tenemos las mandocas con su forma característica (forma de gota con un hueco en medio).
La séptima taza de agua es para ir ablandando la masa agregándole agua poco a poco si es que quedo muy dura, ya que debe quedar firme para que no se enchumben al freírlas pero si queda muy dura la masa entonces se parten o se agrietan los rollitos cuando se unen los extremos.
Las freímos en abundante aceite bien caliente, primero de un lado y luego el otro hasta que estén bien doraditas. Estando listas, lo que resta es comérselas con la otra mitad del queso rallado, partiendo las mandocas con las manos y presionando los pedazos en el queso para que se le pegue y listo.
1 kilo of yellow corn flour
2/3 brown sugar or brown sugar
1 kilo white cheese (hard or semi-hard) grated
1 pint banana
7 cups water
Frying oil
We will dissolve the paper in 6 cups of water and let cool. Cook the banana in water until soft and puree with it.
To the water of the paperboard we add the maize flour and we mix until obtaining a homogenous preparation.
Then, to the mass we add the crushed banana and the half of the cheese and continue kneading until all the ingredients have been united well.
To make the mandocas, we make balls of dough (bigger than a lemon but smaller than an orange) and then we give them form of rollitos, rods, etc.
These rolls are joined by the ends and we already have the mandocas with their characteristic shape (drop shape with a hole in the middle).
The seventh cup of water is to soften the dough by adding water little by little if it is very hard, as it should be firm so that they do not fill up when frying them but if the dough is very hard then the rolls are broken or cracked When the ends are joined.
Fry them in plenty of hot oil, first on one side and then the other until they are well browned. Being ready, the rest is to eat with the other half of the grated cheese, breaking the mandocas with their hands and pressing the pieces in the cheese so that it will stick and ready.
1 kilo of yellow corn flour
2/3 brown sugar or brown sugar
1 kilo white cheese (hard or semi-hard) grated
1 pint banana
7 cups water
Frying oil
We will dissolve the paper in 6 cups of water and let cool. Cook the banana in water until soft and puree with it.
To the water of the paperboard we add the maize flour and we mix until obtaining a homogenous preparation.
Then, to the mass we add the crushed banana and the half of the cheese and continue kneading until all the ingredients have been united well.
To make the mandocas, we make balls of dough (bigger than a lemon but smaller than an orange) and then we give them form of rollitos, rods, etc.
These rolls are joined by the ends and we already have the mandocas with their characteristic shape (drop shape with a hole in the middle).
The seventh cup of water is to soften the dough by adding water little by little if it is very hard, as it should be firm so that they do not fill up when frying them but if the dough is very hard then the rolls are broken or cracked When the ends are joined.
Fry them in plenty of hot oil, first on one side and then the other until they are well browned. Being ready, the rest is to eat with the other half of the grated cheese, breaking the mandocas with their hands and pressing the pieces in the cheese so that it will stick and ready.
Fotos referenciales.
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