500 g. de Harina de trigo tamizada o cernida.
1/2 tz de Azúcar refinada
1 cdta de Sal
2 cdas de Levadura granulada
3 Huevos enteros
75 g. de Mantequilla sin sal
1/2 tz de Leche
Aceite de maíz o girasol c/n para freír
Muy importante!! Todos los ingredientes deben estar a temperatura ambiente.
Hacemos una bola con ella, la colocamos dentro de un bowl espolvoreado con un poquito de harina para que no se pegue y dejamos que repose durante una hora y duplique su volumen. Es aconsejable que cubras la masa con un paño limpio o papel film.

Cortamos las donas con el diámetro deseado, podemos utilizar tanto un molde especial para ello como cualquier otro objeto redondo, como un vaso. Para el huequito del centro igualmente con un molde mas pequeño, una boquilla, una tapa, o lo que consigas que sirva para cortar.
Cuando tengamos las donas cortadas debemos dejarlas reposar sobre una bandeja engrasada y enharinada durante 30 minutos para que aumenten su tamaño, separadas una de otra para que no se unan cuando leven. Hay que tener mucha paciencia, mientras más leven más esponjaditas quedaran.
Luego, en un sartén o caldero colocamos aceite y lo ponemos a calentar a fuego medio que se vayan dorando poco a poco, si está muy alto se quemaran y quedaran crudas por dentro. Veras que quedaran doradas de lado y lado con un anillo blanco en la mitad. Las ponemos a escurrir en papel absorbente, si lo deseamos las pasamos por azúcar refinada de lado y lado aun calienticas para que se les pegue.

También podemos decorar las donas con frosting de fresa, ganache de chocolate, chispas de colores o espolvorear un poco de azúcar glass.
Para hacerlas horneadas y no fritas, debemos precalentar el horno a 200ºC y hornearlas durante 10 minutos aproximadamente.
500 g. Flour sieved or sifted wheat.
1/2 cup of refined sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tablespoons granulated yeast
3 whole eggs
75 g. unsalted butter
1/2 cup milk Corn oil or sunflower c / n for frying PREPARATION:
Very important!! All ingredients should be at room temperature.
To begin with let us join powders, in this case only flour, sugar, baking powder and mix, then on the table put the flour shaped volcano and we add the eggs, mix a little with your fingers, add milk , turn to mix another little and finally put salt, mix well and already when we all almost united that no loose flour, we put the butter and knead well until all ingredients are blended. They will see that they paste a little dough hands are placed a little flour on your fingers, (not put it directly on the ground because it is then passed and you have to put more liquid) and continue kneading, if you follow more we repeat the operation sticky fingers until no more or paste the table or hands.
We make a ball with it, put in a bowl sprinkled with a little flour to prevent sticking and let it sit for an hour and doubled in volume. It is advisable that you cover the dough with a clean cloth or paper film.
Once it has doubled in size, prick fingers a little, we are again a ball and place the dough on your desk with a little flour and we will roll it out with a rolling pin leaving approximately 2 cm thick. We cut donuts with the desired diameter, we can use either a special mold for it like any other round object, like a glass. For the little hole center also with a smaller mold, a nozzle, a cap, or what to serve to get cut.
When we cut donuts we let it stand on a greased and floured for 30 minutes to increase their size, separated from each other so they do not join when leven. We must have patience, the more leven more esponjaditas stay.
500 g. Flour sieved or sifted wheat.
1/2 cup of refined sugar
1 tsp salt
2 tablespoons granulated yeast
3 whole eggs
75 g. unsalted butter
1/2 cup milk Corn oil or sunflower c / n for frying PREPARATION:
Very important!! All ingredients should be at room temperature.
Once it has doubled in size, prick fingers a little, we are again a ball and place the dough on your desk with a little flour and we will roll it out with a rolling pin leaving approximately 2 cm thick. We cut donuts with the desired diameter, we can use either a special mold for it like any other round object, like a glass. For the little hole center also with a smaller mold, a nozzle, a cap, or what to serve to get cut.
When we cut donuts we let it stand on a greased and floured for 30 minutes to increase their size, separated from each other so they do not join when leven. We must have patience, the more leven more esponjaditas stay.
We can also decorate donuts with frosting strawberry, chocolate ganache, colored sparks or sprinkle a little powdered sugar.
Imagenes referenciales.
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