INGREDIENTES: (6 porciones)
250 gr de carne molida
1 cebollas cortadas en brunoise
Pimienta guayabita
Pimienta negra
250 gr de trigo partido num 1
1 pimenton rojo licuado
1 tomate licuado
1 ½ cucharadita de sal
½ cucharadita de pimienta guayabita
½ cucharadita de pimienta negra
1 cucharadita de comino
2 cucharadas de aceite
5 cucharadas de harina
Sofreír la cebolla y agregar la carne. Cocinar a fuego lento para que no se empelote ni quede seco.
Sazonar con sal pimienta guayabita y pimienta negra. Reservar.
Al Trigo previamente lavado y escurrido se le agrega el licuado de tomate y pimentón (reservar un poquito del licuado para humedecer las manos). Se sazona y por ultimo agregar la harina. La masa esta en punto cuando al formar peloticas no se abren. Si es necesario agregar más harina.
Al Trigo previamente lavado y escurrido se le agrega el licuado de tomate y pimentón (reservar un poquito del licuado para humedecer las manos). Se sazona y por ultimo agregar la harina. La masa esta en punto cuando al formar peloticas no se abren. Si es necesario agregar más harina.
Se forman peloticas pequeñas humedeciendo las manos en el licuado de tomate y pimentón reservado. Con el dedo índice de una mano se va haciendo un agujero mientras con la otra se va dando forma de croqueta. Por el agujero que queda en la parte de arriba se rellena de la carne cuidando que no queden muy llenos. Mientras más fina quede la masa mejor.
Freír en abundante aceite muy caliente hasta dorar.
INGREDIENTS: (6 servings)
250 gr of ground beef
1 onions cut in brunoise
Guayabita pepper
Black pepper
250 gr of split wheat 1
1 liqueur red pepper
1 liquefied tomato
1 ½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon guayabita pepper
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon cumin
2 tablespoons of oil
5 tablespoons flour
Sauté the onion and add the meat. Cook over a low heat so that it does not become dry or dry.
Season with salt guayabita pepper and black pepper. Reserve.
To the Wheat previously washed and drained is added the juice of tomato and paprika (reserve a little of the smoothie to moisten the hands). Season and add the flour. The mass is in point when forming pellets do not open. If necessary add more flour.
Small pellets are formed by moistening the hands in the tomato and reserved paprika smoothie. With the index finger of one hand a hole is made while the other is shaped like a croquette. Through the hole that is in the top is filled of the meat taking care that they are not very full. The thinner the dough the better.
Fry in plenty of very hot oil until golden.
INGREDIENTS: (6 servings)
250 gr of ground beef
1 onions cut in brunoise
Guayabita pepper
Black pepper
250 gr of split wheat 1
1 liqueur red pepper
1 liquefied tomato
1 ½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon guayabita pepper
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 teaspoon cumin
2 tablespoons of oil
5 tablespoons flour
Sauté the onion and add the meat. Cook over a low heat so that it does not become dry or dry.
Season with salt guayabita pepper and black pepper. Reserve.
To the Wheat previously washed and drained is added the juice of tomato and paprika (reserve a little of the smoothie to moisten the hands). Season and add the flour. The mass is in point when forming pellets do not open. If necessary add more flour.
Small pellets are formed by moistening the hands in the tomato and reserved paprika smoothie. With the index finger of one hand a hole is made while the other is shaped like a croquette. Through the hole that is in the top is filled of the meat taking care that they are not very full. The thinner the dough the better.
Fry in plenty of very hot oil until golden.